
Sad Face.

Day3: A sad face!

 Tada! This is my (but not really mine) Sad face.
You see, I have this problem with cameras..If i get in front of a camera i just put on the biggest cheesiest grin of all time, so that didn't do me any good with a "sad face" picture! Hahaha.
This is my replacement thanks to We <3 it! great website.

So, How was everyone's day?!
Mine was pretty great i finished the two test i had today with confidence that I did good,which is surprising because i stressed so much last night thinking they would be unbelievably hard.
Isn't that funny how we look at small things as BIG or overwhelming and then we realize they're nothing?
Maybe that's what I need to start doing when i over react, just take a step back and think about how it will all play out in the end.

""The world we have created is a product of our thinking; it cannot be changed without changing our thinking."
-Albert Einstein



  1. Aww, sorry about the sad face day. i'm sure you did well on your tests! Have a great weekend.


  2. thats a nice picture! and i know you did well on your tests, your a smart girl :) and i totally know what you mean by looking at small things like they are a big deal haha it happens to me during presentations, then i realize it was no biggie :)
