
Last Dayyy :)

Today ended my Junior year, celebrated with good friends!
and now i get a break from the drama, and seeing those who hurt me.

<3 Taylor


Last night..

Just like any normal Monday night i'm studying, doing my homework, this ad been a rough weekend because I worked alot and i just don't think i found time to settle down and just rest.. I got a phone call last night from the guy who has made me smile extremely big since August 15th, i seriously didnt think I could be any happier. 
He broke up with me.
Just like that, no warning, no signs, he had just told me he loved me during school that day..
I am going to just go on with my life now, and this just makes me STRONGER.


Happy Mothers Day!

I am extremely lucky to spend this day with a lovely mother who has been there for me all my life!
I hope all you Mothers have a wonderful day,
and may God bless thoughts who have lost their Mothers.

"Mothers hold their children's hands for a short while, but their hearts forever."
  ~Author Unknown



Oh Florida, I love you so..

The sun shine has come out and shined on my weekend, Saturday i went to the beach with my mother and sisters and my lovely friend Mileena so we could enjoy some sun, and warm water! Then today i went to a wonderful church service on a beautiful sunshiney Sunday and worshipped an amazing God. After church i came home and watched Iron man with my dear boyfriend and enjoyed his company.
Ever have moments where you stop and wonder how did my life get so wonderful?
I'm truely blessed <3


Another Post that i should've posted forever ago.. PROM!

This was one of my favorite experiences with my Dear Devan! :)
relationship has been going strong and i couldn't be happier.
Dress:Tiffany Designs (Audrey would be proud)


Taylors Back!

Oh my! I'm always slacking with things around Track season, Blogging is one thing i always slack on because Internet time is hard to put into my tight schedule. But behold I AM BACK! With great news to go with this post..

I went to state!!!!

The boys and girls 4x4 teams made it to state! It was a fabulous adventure, even though we came in 14th place and didn't leave with a medal.. we did have the time of our lives.

"I still remember this moment
In the back of my mind
The time we stood with our shaking hands
The crowds in stands went wild"-Taylor Swift <3