
Forever? Psh.

Today was a good.. well decent day like every other wed I didn't have cheer practice that's a plus! I did however have TONS of homework.. Eh Not my favorite thing to do. So i spent most of my night studying for Chemistry and Algebra which i have a test in tomorrow.
Hope everyone else had a lovely Wednesday!

Day 2: A happy face!

I'd say he makes me extremely happy! I've had my ups and downs with relationships and that's horrible for a teenager to say i mean, I'm only sixteen years old...Maybe I should've listened to my youth pastor when he once said "I just believe dating in High School is a bad idea." I believe that, High school is such a challenging place to be in.. People look you up and down as you walk by, who you are dating automatically changes your appearance.I like to sit back and imagine my life when I'm older having Devan with me still and be the happiest person ever.. I also catch myself and say "silly girl." Because i have realizes a lot of things don't last forever.


1 comment:

  1. That part about listening to your youth pastor is good ;)
