
"You are altogether beautiful, my love; there is no flaw in you." Songs 4:7

God loves us for who we are, with or without makeup, best dressed, or in pj's!

These are things i struggle with, I always wanna look "pretty" but who am i to say I'm not? I find myself daily looking in a mirror pointing out flaws...Maybe i should stop and say "Wow, you have a great smile!" Or " Your curls are beautiful!" But i may never do that. Confidence is rare for me, I've never really had it to be honest. I've learned that what is on the outside doesn't matter, if you have god in your heart and do things with him in mind you will benefit physically and mentally. Hvaing god on my side has helped encourage me daily to do the things i wanna and need to do in my life. I hope everyone else has god on there side :)

With love, TaylorMarie

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