
The finest clothing made is a person's skin, but, of course, society demands something more than this. ~Mark Twain

Hello There!

Oh boy, It's that time.. Mom insisted i go through my closet because i have to agree it was pretty packed out with clothes I've admired and only wished i would wear them! But lately I've been inspired to just be yourself and i know my small town doesn't really notice you unless you've done something tremendous to stand out! I've slowly been progressing into someone with more confidence, I wish you all could really just know my progression!

The closet was an epic fail, i guess the only good thing i did was switch things into my dresser..and move everything around considering i have a dresser, Closet, and FIVE plastic bins filled with all my clothes and i probably wear only 2/3 of everything i own!

Good luck to anyone else who has to clean out and Organize over their Summer Vacation!

-Taylor Marie<3

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