
The things that annoy.

Remember when i posted about wanting to be a more "Interesting" blogger? I finally figured out something that may not be interesting but it certainly will keep me interested!

Hey there,

I've figured out what to write about and this is it! I book, I'm gonna blog about this book I'm gonna write.. Kinda weird i know but here's the i guess you could call it the prolonged page!

" So, have you...Ever said the first thing that came to your mind when you get annoyed? Like if someone was wearing the same shoes as someone else and maybe you were the rude person to point it out to everyone? BEEN THERE! I have this habit of saying what comes to mind because i know that if i don't say it, it'll just irritate me on the inside! So now I'm gonna keep this Book/Log to say what i need to say without being extremely rude to others, or end up talking behind their backs. Oh!, and this is NOT a journal, so you wont know about much more of my feelings besides how i get annoyed!....and this is it Things that annoy me!"

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